In this section the TEIs are required to provid the following information :
Daily working hours 6 hrs. 10 min.
Number of working days in a week 06
Total no. of working days in the previous academic session 230 days
Average daily attendance during the current sessionĀ – 83.75 %
program wise Results of Students for the last three years :
Pass percentage age in the final examination during the last three academic sessions S.No Programme Session 2021-22 Session 2022-23 Session 2023-24 1
Name & Number of schools available for Internship during the current session :
Govt. aided school
Shri shivaji primary school main branch amravati
Gopikisan Rathi primary school Amravati
Gadge Baba Primary school, Amravati
Mahind Vidyalaya Amravati
Kasturba kanya shala , Amravati
- Golden kids semi-English primary school
Total number of internship days in the previous academic session – 56 days
Total number of Mentor teachers associated with the Internship – 2 lecturers
Program :
Did the institution conduct orientation program for the students before the commencement of Internship : YES
Did the institution conduct Planning cum consultation meeting with the Head of Internship schools : YES